Lovell Middle School Big Horn County School District #2

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Read 'N Rap » Read n' Rap

Read n' Rap

Read 'n Rap is a program where a student and an adult partner read the same book and then come together with other students and partners to discuss the book that they all read.  This program was developed as teachers observed the need for middle school students to interact with adults on a positive, non-threatening level.  Middle school is a time of change for students and many times talking about a book with a parent or other trusted adult can open avenues for other types of discussions.  Parents are encouraged to become their student's adult reading partner.  Families are encouraged to read the books together.  It is not always possible for parents to participate, due to conflicts in schedules.  Therefore, we encourage students to ask other family members, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, adult cousins, etc., or adult friends and neighbors to participate with them.